About me
小川清美(おがわ きよみ)Kiyomi Ogawa
2019年4月より約2年間、MATCHA - JAPAN TRAVEL WEB MAGAZINEに四コママンガとともに日本語についての記事を連載。
著書 Practical Japanese1,2,3 Easy and Fun ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字、やさ日まんがJapanガイド
Kiyomi is a Japanese-language instructor who has taught for the U.S.-based relocation company Cartus, Club Italia Nagoya, and the refugee support organization Door to Asylum Nagoya.
She began teaching private students through online language-learning platforms in 2013.
For about two years starting in April 2013, Kiyomi contributed four-panel manga and related language articles to MATCHA, a Web magazine aimed at travelers to Japan.
She is currently living in Mississippi with her husband and son.
Her published works include the three books in the Practical Japanese series; the Easy and Fun Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji books; and the Yasanichi Manga Japan Guide.