What’s the difference? くて・で vs し・だし?

し and だし are used to connect multiple reasons, but you can also say a single reason if you can’t think of what to say next or if you are hesitant to say more—the use of し・だしimplies that you have other, unstated reasons.


マイクさんはどの人ですか? 背が高くて、髪が短い人ですよ。

Maiku-san wa dono hito desu ka? Se ga takakute, kami ga mijikai hito desu.

Which person is Mike? He’s the tall one with short hair.


どうしてマイクさんが好きですか? やさしいし、イケメンだし・・

Dōshite Maiku-san ga suki desu ka? Yasashii shi, ikemen dashi…

Why do you like Mike? He’s sweet and cool...

Leaving the conclusion unstated is usually more polite:


Kono kutsushita wa kitanashi shi…(kusai desu.)

These socks are dirty so…(they are smelly.)

・kara /dakara replace the last shi/dashi


Yasashii shi, ikemen dakara… 

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