What’s the differenceおいしそうVS おいしいそう
そうです can also be used in a slightly different way (see the chapter on Plain Style for more information):
おいしそうです。 おいしいそうです。
Oishi sō desu. Oishii sō desu.
That looks delicious. I heard that this is delicious.
Notice that with the expression on the right, the い adjective is not conjugated—the そうです follows the standard form. With な adjectives, put だ before そうです.
Here are a few more examples of this other そうです usage:
明日は寒いそうです。 東京はにぎやかだそうです。
Ashita wa samui sō desu. Tōkyō wa nigiyaka da sō desu.
I heard tomorrow will be cold. They say that Tokyo is lively.