総まとめ 第3週 4日目 意見文


Ugh, I'm telling you, that kid is really something. Lazing around all day…but what can I do? He should hear it from his father, too. Now's the time when he has to study hard! He's such a waste. Oh, if only I were that kid. You're only young once, you know.

He's his own man and he's finding his own way. Besides, what about you?

Huh? Me? I'm just…

Just what? You think your life is over? Surely you don’t think that only your youth is important? It's no different for us—our goal isn't just to be constantly busy. We have to study, enjoy things, cry and laugh. Every stage of our lives has its own unique pleasures and sorrows. So I don't want him to spend his time now merely preparing for old age, personally.

もう、まったくー>Ugh, I'm telling you,

Japanese Club

オンラインで日本語を教えています。勉強している人、また教えたい人の役に立てればうれしいです! Hi! I'm an online Japanese teacher. I hope this website will help people who are studying or teaching the Japanese language.


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