会釈 (えしゃく)Slight bow

Even when you are busy, Don't forget eshaku to         What's eshaku?                                     the people in other team.                                                                          Eshaku is a bow!


In Japan, there are three types of bows. Eshaku is the most casual bow and it is used when you pass by an acquaintance. You don't need to say anything when you bow. 

3種類のおじぎ   Three types of bows

 お礼・謝罪(しゃざい)  ふつうのあいさつ     すれちがったとき       

 appreciation/apologize         normal greetings              when passing by           



会釈 えしゃく

会う to meet 

釈す to explain  



Originally, eshaku comes from the word waetsūshaku, which roughly means "to take Buddhist sutras that don't agree and interpret them in a way that makes them agree."

Over time, this changed to mean "forging good relationships with other people."


In Japan, people use the eshaku bow often—not only in the office, but in the neighborhood as well.

Japanese Club

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